This is, it appears, the only narrative the filmmakers can imagine for an overweight woman, and they are certainly not alone in their lack of imagination about what possible lives these women might lead.
Identity theft melissa mccarthy movie#
As the movie progresses, McCarthy's character, Diana, is increasingly painted as lonely and miserable, vainly attempting to find some kind of connection in a world that has no desire to connect with her. Early in the movie, at a bar where she's buying rounds, the bartender tells her, "People like you don't have friends." It's the first of several painful moments that fall flat because they completely lack in nuance. She spends other people's money as a means, we are left to conclude, of compensating for loneliness. From the outset, McCarthy is playing "garish," wearing bright costumes that exploit her size. There's something to offend everyone in Identity Thief: racist jokes, gay jokes, the word "vagina" wielded as an insult. Her efforts, however, come to little as Identity Thief's filmmakers waste no opportunity to portray McCarthy in a grotesque manner, relishing every chance to humiliate her with an ill-conceived script, half-assed direction, and a truly unfortunate wardrobe. Despite the film's dismal reviews, most critics acknowledge her comedic talent and timing. The real shame of Identity Thief is the waste it makes of McCarthy's great talents.

There are limited opportunities for overweight women to act, particularly in starring roles, without their size being a significant part of the character arc. What Reed neglects to discuss is how, generally, the only career path for overweight women in Hollywood is some variation of "obese and obnoxious." There are exceptions, but they are few - and rarely, if ever, in the leading roles.

In his already infamous review for the New York Observer, Rex Reed referred to McCarthy as "tractor-sized," which speaks more to his complete ignorance of farm equipment than McCarthy's appearance, and also referred to the actress as a "female hippo" who has devoted her short career to being obese and obnoxious with equal success." It was inevitable that reviews for the new Melissa McCarthy/Jason Bateman film Identity Thief would focus on McCarthy's size.