Other supported wipes are "wipeleft", "wipedown", and "wipeup". Revealed at the left edge of the screen, then the center of the image,Īnd finally the right side of the image at the right of the screen. For example, in "wiperight", a wipe from left to right, first the left edge of the image is In a wipe, the image stays fixed, and more of it is revealed as Involve changing rectangular slices of scenes.

This can be used to implement a variety of effects, all of which Returns a transition that works by cropping a scene and positioning it on the

(This is a fairly expensive transition.) define moveinoutdissolve = ComposeTransition ( dissolve, before = moveoutleft, after = moveinright ) CropMove ( time, mode = 'slideright', startcrop = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), startpos = (0.0, 0.0), endcrop = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), endpos = (0.0, 0.0), topnew = True ) link # Move the images in and out while dissolving. These updated old and new scenes are then supplied The before and after transitions are applied to the old and new Returns a transition that composes up to three transitions. ComposeTransition ( trans, before, after ) link Which will make the dissolve consume more GPU resources, but will When the dissolve will be scaled to less than half its natural size, Opaque areas are takenįrom the old image, while transparent areas are taken from the The time the transition takes, before ending. Opaque, and the old image is used when it is transparent. The new screen is used where the transform is Sort of animated transform) to transition from one screen to another. Returns a transition that uses a control displayable (almost always some AlphaDissolve ( control, delay = 0.0, *, reverse = False, mipmap = None ) link The time_warp argument taken by many transition classes can be givenīuiltin warpers found in the _warper module, These functions are parameterized, allowing entireĬalling transition classes can be done as part of the withĭefine annoytheuser = Dissolve ( 1.0 ) label start : show bg washington with annoytheuser Transition classes are functions that can be called to create new Instances of the CropMove() transition class. Use a rectangular iris to display the new screen, or hide the old Instances of the PushMove() transition class. These use the new scene to slide the old scene out the named Instances of theĬropMove() transition class. Slides the old scene in the given direction. slideawayleft linkĪlso: slideawayright, slideawayup, slideawaydown Slides the new scene in the given direction. Transitions the screen in a squares effect lasting 1 second. An instance of the ImageDissolve() transition class. Transitions the screen in a vertical blinds effect lasting 1 When invoked, this transition shakes the screen horizontally for a When invoked, this transition shakes the screen vertically for a This zooms in entering images and zooms out leaving images, taking 0.5 seconds to do so. This zooms out leaving images, taking 0.5 seconds to do so. This zooms in entering images, taking 0.5 seconds to do so. They use a cosine-based curve to slow down the start and end of These are similar to the move- family of transitions, except that These move leaving images off the screen via the appropriate side,Īlso: easeinright, easeinleft, easeintop, easeinbottom, easeoutright, easeoutleft, easeouttop, easeoutbottom moveoutright linkĪlso: moveoutleft, moveouttop, moveoutbottom These move entering images onto the screen from the appropriate An instance of the MoveTransition()Īlso: moveinleft, moveintop, moveinbottom Takes 0.5 seconds to the move images that have changed location to Instance of the Dissolve() transition class. Takes 0.5 seconds to dissolve from the old to the new screen. Takes 0.5 seconds to fade to black, and then 0.5 seconds toįade to the new screen. Show bg washington with dissolve fade link